Thursday, December 20, 2012 1 comments

Outsourcing trends that will surely help you

With 2011 declaring success for the outsourcing industry, this year 2012 sets another groundbreaking development for its expansion. In line with the robust demand for Leased Employees Philippines and with the race of many developing countries to enhance its pool of labor, identifying the key growth determinants of the industry would likely be an ace to secure its market competitiveness.

The International Association of Outsourcing Professionals ® (IAOP) and its timely to release of the 5th annual trend predictions highlights hazy fiscal prudence and the anticipated US elections as this year's top determinant. Citing mutual delivery models; corporations using converging technologies, the BRIC countries and outsourcing services provider within U.S. as the likely winners for 2012. Nevertheless, to some key players who aren't identified as this year's winner here's some of the trends they can anticipate to at least secure their place as a runner up:

The rise of technological linkage
Facebook, Twitter and other forms of social media has been a strategic tool in monitoring customer satisfaction and this year it will still be. So it is only likely that businesses will invest to Internet marketing to increase its online presence. Digital marketing is necessary for businesses to grow its share of the market. Accordingly, collaborations and mobility platforms prefer to generate a major interest in value-added outsourcing solutions.

The cloud advantage
Due to its benefits and cost flexibility many small scale players sees cloud as a viable solution to serve their needs of scaling up their industrial standing via access to latest technological developments. With such success, the demand for the cloud will increase so as its services for this year 2012.

New outsourcing destinations
Leased Employees Philippines has already been promulgating and India already has established its presence in the offshore staffing market last year as UK companies, due to the European economic turmoil moved their customer service voice operations. Not far behind are India's colleagues the rising economies of Brazil, Russia, as well China which is expected to surge as this year's outsourcing hot spots. With Brazil hosting 2014 Football World Cup so as the 2016 Summer Olympics, its new drawn attention in the global stage can pave way to the countries business development.

The US Pressure
As much as major outsourcing and offshore staffing destinations are concerned, economic woes and elevated unemployment rates pushes U.S. congress to work on House Bill that would disincentive US firms to outsource offshore services. In line with this, domestic and near shore outsourcing is expected to grow. The bills if ever pushed through are expected to create an impact in terms of the growth of demand to outsource in the Philippines and also Indian markets.

Cost cutting while maintaining quality output
In the midst of economic turbulence, companies are torn between cost cutting and the expectations for business growth.  As strategic models therefore are adapted, the value of outsourcing industry raised especially to certain sector where customers and service vendors are expected to collaborate.

Leased Employees Philippines offered by KMC Solutions is a great option for your business.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012 2 comments

The Benefits your business can get from Outsourcing to the Philippines

Recent trends show a lot of Staff Leasing for many developed countries such as the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand and other parts of Europe. All of these countries are characterized by high wages and operational costs. Since costs greatly affect any company's level of profitability, cost minimization for such countries has its own limits considering that the prices and wages can only change so much.

Maintaining a number of staff for some business functions can be very costly especially if the roles are not much revenue-generating. Offshore outsourcing has provided a lot of companies with cost efficient alternatives for certain internal business functions. that has in turn helped them improve their profitability levels without compromising efficiency. This arrangement has been proven to be very effective given that every year, more and more firms are doing offshore staff leasing activities especially to the Philippines, a very well-known BPO destination.

KMC Solutions is a local company with Western Management practices providing staff leasing services in the Philippines for foreign and local companies which require dedicated offshore staff and virtual teams. Staff Leasing services include expert recruitment, payroll & HR in Manila, Philippines. Additionally, KMCS offers seat leasing and serviced office solutions for companies setting up operations in Metro-Manila.

The company helps many small and budding companies jump start their operations in the Philippines by shortening the setting up period in order to get them up and running the soonest time possible.

1. End-to-end service
 - Aside from staff leasing, KMC Solutions' offers serviced offices, too. These offices come equipped with workstations and modern fixtures that can accommodate standard office and call center set-ups. With an array of services such as leased office spaces, recruitment, staff management, payroll, as well as online marketing services, KMC has everything covered for any company who wishes to outsource in the Philippines

2. Flexibility
 - Companies can go for KMC's whole lineup of services or choose specific ones based on their needs. Since all offerings are scalable, there are no losses incurred when a client chooses to expand or contract its operations. Services are highly customizable from which clients can build-up a package that suits them best.

3. Competent Workforce
 - Committed to deliver maximum efficiency, KMC's dedicated employees are able to give any company the same quality and quantity of output as any organic employee would. Competent and skilled graduates from the country's top universities are hired to deliver quality output at the fastest time possible. Skill sets and credentials are at par with global standards. KMC's dynamic and adaptable workforce seamlessly integrates with client operations.

4. Cost efficiency - Lower operating costs resulting from offshore outsourcing to KMC generate significant amounts of savings for client companies. These savings free up their funds for more revenue-generating activities. Offshore outsourcing helps improve profitability levels due to cost minimization. Equipped with skilled personnel in various disciplines such as web designing, web development and search engine optimization (SEO), KMC Solutions offers their clients more value for what they actually pay for.

5. Reasonable service terms - KMC Solutions does not give unreasonable terms to clients to gain revenue and we do not mark up the direct salary of your offshore staff! We offer transparent package pricing and are willing to customize solutions for different client's needs. KMC adjusts to the clients' plans and presents terms and conditions for a win-win situation.

6. Protection from risk and liability - Companies who outsource to the Philippines are less exposed to the risks and liabilities compared to those who directly put up operations here in the country. Since the employees are under KMC Solutions, client companies are only accountable to the extent of what their respective contracts cover.

Being a Western-managed BPO who knows the Philippine labor market very well, KMC Solutions is able to present the best of both worlds. A BPO firm's understanding of the Philippine culture is an important factor to consider when outsourcing to the Philippines. It determines the firm's capability to manage and lead its employees very well. Addressing employee needs through proper  is key in keeping them motivated to work and produce the best output possible.

Monday, December 17, 2012 3 comments

Staff Leasing Firms, Are they helpful?

Aside from assuming many responsibilities and liabilities as your "co-employer", an employee leasing firm and the services it offers including Offshore Staff Philippines  is great for your company as it gives you more time to manage the key parts of your business. With many entrepreneurs realizing that training and recruitment shouldn't be that time consuming, difficult and risky, staff leasing has been a smart solution for employers who wish to fulfill their HR requirement. Below are some of the few reasons why it has been a top choice.

One advantage of Offshore Staff Philippines is that it helps employers like you to focus on your core competencies instead of worrying about government regulations, payroll taxes or administrative duties.  With such assistance, you can focus more on product development, production, marketing, sales and customer services which by far are integral to your business operation. Moreover, it allows you to get back your time, and increase your revenue.

Improve Cash Flow
An employee leasing firm like KMC Solutions takes all your other expenses including your employment fees and combines them into one which will be charged on a monthly basis. Easier compensation schemes coming from a provider that offers predictable payments each payroll period is much more convenient and logical. Moreover, instead of increasing internal investments in new employees, these firms help you to minimize your labor costs.

Manages workers benefits
They also can provide you an umbrella structure and take on many small companies and consolidate them to offer lower premium medical benefits. As these companies have a pool of 1000 employees or more, it can absorb your personnel and incorporate them to a bigger medical benefit system. By such means, it will enable your business to compete and offer comparable benefits similar to that of larger companies.

Familiarization of domestic laws
Aside from that if you're thinking of starting-up a new business offshore or vice versa, these companies are very much useful as they will help you understand the various rules that might affect your growth. They can also provide assistance as to what you should do in certain problematic situations. In addition to the services they offer for the compliance of labor laws, they also provide and store legally required employee forms and paperwork.

Maintain and Reduce Risk
Lastly, additional benefits are acquired in companies with workers compensation modifiers that are relatively higher. An employee leasing firm may have a modifier that is less than that, therefore offering your small business a cheaper rate. Most importantly, they can give advice to develop workplace safety especially in reducing claims. They will also proactively manage your worker's compensation coverage and will help you to reduce claim costs including fraudulent claim identification.

Offshore Staff Philippines offered by KMC Solutions is a good thing to consider if you
’re planning to have your business.


How To Ensure A Productive Leasing Deal?

The rising trend and growing number of companies that resort to staff leasing suggests that the business strategy ensures efficiency in the workforce. More than the fact that a Offshore Employees Philippines can remove a lot of paperwork and hassles in the office, one of the most important reasons why many organizations advocated for employee leasing comes with the fact that it saves a lot of time.

As settling an HR issue for many of us is already a daunting task, staff leasing is an alternative solution designed for various employers who don't want to deal HR issues or too busy for their business expansion. At a fraction of a cost, employee leasing companies provides services which include payroll, recruitment, administration and others. Offshore Employees Philippines is a good way to lessen problems about HR issues.

Although it doesn't necessarily guarantee all answers to different HR woes, careful planning and timely setups in terms of the conditions made between the employer and the employee leasing firm can reduce the hassle and increase its worth. Below are the main areas to reconsider to make the most out of an employee leasing deal.
  • Re-evaluate the objectives. Just like any other services, there would always be some certain rationale behind every employer's decision to resort on staff leasing.  But until they aren't certain of what position they'd like to lease and if they weren't able to assess their business ability to adjust for such arrangement, necessarily the provider will most likely be uncertain of delivering the results these employers are looking for.
  • Review the terms of the contract. Before signing any agreement, the terms in the employee leasing contract will determine the future growth of the company especially the rate of its expansion over a determined period of time. As like any other contracts previously conferred, it is a must for both sides to discuss the agreement and the terms thoroughly as reflected in the contract.
  • Prepare an Employee Recruiting Strategy. With the new setup, companies might have to restructure their entire organization. Some might have to fire certain employees and others might have to be re-hired by the leasing firm. If the employees aren't informed properly with any new arrangement made, it may cause strain in the management and affect the business operations as a whole.
  • Conduct a Frequent Performance Evaluation. Once the new set-up is in order, conducting frequent employee assessment enables the company to monitor the productivity of the leased staff and at the same time reflect the quality of the HR services provided the by partner firm in meeting their staffing expectations.

Offshore Employees Philippines will help you lessen the burden you have if you’re starting you’re business.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012 2 comments

Lease Or Buy Commercial? Which is better?

One of the biggest costs when starting a business, usually the purchase or rental of the premises for its operation.

The decision to buy or lease the premises for a business depends on several factors, but definitely, the main factor is capital or financing available.

Before making this decision we take calculated what the total investment in the business, whether on stage where they buy local, as in the rent only. Then we calculate the projection of future revenues and expenditures, and, accordingly, consider whether we would be able to pay monthly debt incurred as a result of the purchase of the premises, or if we would only be able to pay the rent.

The usual practice in the case of a single entrepreneur or a small business is that buying local is out of reach.

If we choose to apply for a loan for the purchase of premises, unless we have a good line of credit, it is usual that the bank asks us to put at least 25% of the total required.

However, the monthly payment of a rental is usually one of the biggest costs in a business, so ideally a local purchase. It is also good to consider seat rentals fort bonifacio if you’re planning to rent an office space.

If we can get adequate funding for it, we would have the advantage of owning a tangible asset which could be taken as a long term investment, and sell at any time, for example, in the event that the business does not work. Also we would have the advantage of having more control over the premises, for example, to make all the renovations we want.

If however, if we are not in the ability to get financing to buy a local, the other alternative is to rent one, then only we would focus on getting the funding to remodel and equip. Seat rentals fort bonifacio is a good option.

The rent space allows us to substantially reduce investment, and in the case of business failure, also reduce losses. In other words, we can minimize the investment and risk. With seat rentals fort bonifacio, as tenants, you don’t have to worry about the maintenance of the equipments you’re going to use since, the company will be the one take care of it.

Although the disadvantages of renting space as mentioned above, involve paying constant and permanently high amount for rent, plus the possibility of having to answer for the entire period for which the lease, in the case we decide to close the business before.

If, for example, the store is rented for three years, and the business fails in the first, we have to pay for the missing months anyway, get a third for subarrendarle the premises, or to persuade the owner to allow us to terminate the contract.

Although this can be avoided when drafting the lease premises , where we must ensure that the terms or clauses are favorable, not only to the owner of the premises, but also for us.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012 2 comments

Buy Or Rent A Place?

One of the first questions we ask ourselves when our own business will be whether to rent or buy the shop. There is no doubt that investment in our store will be one of the most important initial expenses. But what advantages and disadvantages they have to choose one or the other?
In the final decision to buy or lease our commercial insurance significantly affects the initial capital that we have to start our project, and the risk that we are willing to take.
Choosing between buying or renting also depend on factors such as the type of business you want to start, which means that there really is no better choice than another, but that all depends on all these aspects. Seat leasing is one of the choices if you’re planning to have your office in a Business District.

However, when taking a decision we must know the advantages and disadvantages of the two options.

Renting commercial

The advantages of this option are:

1. Flexibility: you promise not to set your location at a particular place and can move relatively easily whenever you want.

2. Less maintenance and security responsibilities in the store: usually be the owner who is responsible for these issues.

3. Reduces initial investment and risks: when you buy a place to make a big enough down payment beyond the years of mortgage are fixed.

In Seat leasing, you don’t have to worry about the maintenance of the things you have to use since the company you are having deal with is the one responsible for the machines used.

Disadvantages of renting a space:

1. Unless you get a holiday whose output is in your favor, you will be required to complete the payment of a minimum of months, even before leaving the premises.

2. No you increase your business' assets because, unlike the purchase, you'll pay a high amount permanently as income on an asset that will never be yours.

3. Still keeping certain responsibilities with the equipment. This responsibility will depend on what was agreed in the lease.

If you're going to reform or improve the local investment lose when you leave the room

Buy Local

Buying is also an option if you’re planning to have an office, but buying requires a lot of money compared to seat leasing.

Advantages of buying a local:

1. It represents a tangible asset that can be taken as a long term investment.

2. The costs are fixed, but the increase is added at the beginning of each year is added to rentals.

3. It is easier if you can sublet part of the premises and obtain extra income. You have more freedom if you decide to sell or rent your premises.

Disadvantages of buying a local:

1. You take responsibility for all repairs and maintenance of the premises.

2. No space flexibility: you may eventually need to expand your business and the place you bought it or you may outgrow the experience you realize that there are areas of improvement for your type local.

3. Need more cash flow at the beginning.

In short, it is optimal to analyze your business needs to make that decision that makes your business grow and survive over time. If at the end you rent, studies well before signing the contract. If, however, you decide to buy it, always think long term.
Sunday, December 9, 2012 2 comments

Stunning Makati City

Makati is known as the central business district of Metro Manila. Here, there is certainly no shortage of restaurants, coffee shops, bakeries, and other establishments that young professionals, company executives, and even professors and students in the area frequent. Generally, the city caters the needs of almost everyone. If you are an outdoor lover who longs to be close to nature, Makati boasts some parks that is worthy to visit. While walking on one of these well-lighted gardens, you may enjoy the view of lagoons and its man-made waterfalls. Located in the heart of almost everything, it is even accessible from the airport and home to international hotels that can offer you world-class services and accommodations. There are also plenty of restaurants serving all kinds of cuisines, in addition to exciting bars for your nightlife activities. Makati is a great hub for some of your interests: • food • clothing • shoes • cinemas • amusement stores • handicrafts • furniture
As a home to a comprehensive selection of commercial establishments which perhaps is unique in the country, a Makati serviced office is a great place to start your business. It has been an address to many local and multinational company headquarters and to more than thousands of businesses with some of which representing the biggest names in international business. Foreign-owned businesses are satisfied in Makati, not simply because of its advantages, but because of the good environment that they certainly find themselves in. In the latter part of 2010, the all new Ayala Triangle was opened to the public. It is conveniently located amidst the intersections of Ayala Avenue, Paseo de Roxas, and Makati Avenue. The area is ripe with Makati serviced office as Ayala Triangle is surrounded by buildings and skyscrapers that are utilized by many different businesses, organizations and corporations. These include both local and international companies.
Whether one is in search of a new eatery to try or a relaxing and rejuvenating park to hang out in, Ayala Triangle is the place to be there are Makati serviced office wherein you can put your business office. Some of the many food establishments that can be found here are Banapple, Bfast by Chef Laudico, Golden Spoon, Omakase, Wee Nam Kee, C.B.D. by Tender Bob's, Kanin Club, Pho 24, Amici and Cara Mia, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, and the MOMO Café. You can try these restaurants with your officemates after a long day at work or head here for a Saturday dinner with your family. During the holiday season or the months of November and December, there are events held that the general public is more than welcome to attend and participate in. These events include the Symphony of Parols which is a lights and sounds show that is staged every half hour. Here you can witness the beauty of Christmas lights illuminating Ayala Triangle and really feel the Christmas spirit alive and well in the city.
Sunday, November 25, 2012 3 comments


WORKING sounds like "BOORING" to every one of us. It is a daily routine where in you do the same thing all over again. Working stressed people out. Lots of paper works, negotiating stuffs and other things to do. It will be great if employees will be working in a very pleasing and inspiring environment such as office spaces located in Fort Bonifacio wherein there are Fort Bonifacio Office Space For Lease.

Let’s take a look to some of the Amazing Offices that will make you stunned because of its magnificent architecture and design.

TBWA Hakuhodo Office

TBWA Hakuhodo is the oldest Japanese advertising company. Woahh? Oldest? Look at their office. Doesn't look that old. The office environment is very beautiful and relaxing. It has a grass lined environment and warm hardwood floors that makes the environment pleasing. You get to see something green. Green grass and the beauty of nature. 

Penthouse Office

This Penthouse Office was designed by Bentham Crouwel Architects. Magnificent isn’t it? This structure stands 18 feet above the Las Palmas building overlooking the river below. The views seen are relaxing and give a bright and productive mood since people are able to see the beauty of Rotterdam skyline.

There are Office For Lease in Makati Rufino Tower wherein you can enjoy such trendy offices and Makati night skyline.

North Advertising

The colors used in making this office is very business type, it set the mood in an urban business environment. An olive-tiled floor spans the full reach of the office, while natural wood paneling provides an accent to the otherwise black and white walls throughout.

There are Makati Office Space For Rent that also exhibit such stunning designs of an office space. 

White Mountain Office

Save the best for last. The White Mountain Office by Albert France Lanord Architects is considered as one of the most amazing offices in the world. It is 100 feet below the surface of Stockholm (that’s quite interesting). A very stunning office because of its unique architectural design.

Thursday, November 22, 2012 2 comments

See Some Skyline ♥

Fort Bonifacio Taguig City Skyline

Do you know who’s the most sought after bachelor of the generation? (Drum rolls) it’s no other than CHRISTIAN GREY. He’s a young, handsome, intelligent, business-savvy, charming and very rich bachelor of his time, though fictional, no wonder; he’s been a very hot topic to girls nowadays.

Based on the Fifty Shades trilogy, Christian lives in Escala a place in Seattle with spacious open concept homes, amenities and services that rival the most exclusive clubs in the city and a location a midst the vibrant retail, restaurants and entertainment venues downtown offers.

Based on the books description, Escala is one of the most fabulous places to hang around. It is consist of Semi-private elevators for each residence, beautifully furnished courtyard with stone fireplace, fitness center complete with stationary lap pools, free weights, yoga studio, steam rooms and changing rooms, wine cave dining room with adjacent climate controlled wine storage, private theater that can be transformed into a boardroom for 20 people, fully appointed kitchen, restaurant area and bar for meetings or events, complimentary high-speed internet in common areas. Isn’t all those things mentioned above great?

Many of us want’s to experience what Christian Greys home is like, a room wherein you can see the skyline of Seattle and many other wonderful things. Don’t be frustrated if you’re not living is Seattle; even though you’re thousand miles away from Seattle, you can still manage seeing and enjoying those things.

One Mckinley Place
If you want to live in a building wherein you can see a beautiful skyline, Fort Bonifacio Condos is the right place for you. One of the finest condominiums in Fort Bonifacio is One Mckinley Place. It is a high-end 43-storey residential condominium located in Taguig City with lots of Amenities and Facilities to enjoy with.
Did you fell short of information? Keep visiting my blog and be updated for more splendid post. J

Monday, November 19, 2012 2 comments

Impressive Houses

Want to see impressive and extra-ordinary architectural designs located in different parts of the globe? Real Estate Design is the right place for you. See amusing work of art made by different talented people.

Think of buying a new house or condo? What about Renting or Leasing an Office space in a fascinating building? This blog is worth a look. We will give ideas of different aspects to consider.

Here you will be able to see different kinds of fascinating houses and buildings including the old ones which will still fascinate you because of its exquisite beauty.  The latest trends and what’s IN on architectural designs for houses and buildings is also included.

By visiting this blog, you get to see the world. We will bring you to places you didn't even know exists.
Impressive Real Estate Design will captivate you because of the alluring structures you will be able to see. The beauty that you will take eyes on will keep you seeking for more, and that’s what we are going to give you.

Check on the different photos and information. Keep yourselves updated. Keep visiting the blog for more magnificent post.
